
The purpose of Climate Change New Mexico (CCNM) is to support and promote students’ scientific exploration of climate change in New Mexico. Issues related to climate change have been studied for decades, yet education lags far behind.

Science Fairs: We recognize and encourage students’ research and sharing of knowledge by providing a monetary award and certificate of recognition to outstanding projects related to climate change.

K-12 Educational Program: What does climate change mean for future generations living in New Mexico? Aspects of climate change deserve to be researched and understood by the generations whose livelihoods will be transformed by these issues. We are developing programs so that students have the educational and financial resources to learn about climate change and share what they have learned.

Undergraduate and Graduate Student Educational Program: We are dedicated to the growth of young scholars studying climate change in New Mexico. We offer educational resources, participation in a collaborative network of educators and scientists, as well as funding support for undergraduate and graduate students researching climate change.